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Excluir períodos superpuestos en la función de agregado de tiempo

¿Qué pasa con esto:

   /* get all time points where something changes */
   points AS (
       SELECT "startDate" AS p
       FROM temp_period
       UNION SELECT "endDate"
       FROM temp_period
    * Get all date ranges between these time points.
    * The first time range will start with NULL,
    * but that will be excluded in the next CTE anyway.
   inter AS (
      SELECT daterange(
                lag(p) OVER (ORDER BY p),
             ) i
      FROM points
    * Get all date ranges that are contained
    * in at least one of the intervals.
   overlap AS (
      FROM inter
         CROSS JOIN temp_period
      WHERE i <@ daterange("startDate", "endDate")
/* sum the lengths of the date ranges */
SELECT sum(age(upper(i), lower(i)))
FROM overlap;

Para tus datos te devolverá:

│ interval │
│ 576 days │
(1 row)