Debe restablecer la secuencia en la base de datos antes de cualquier inserción utilizando valores generados automáticamente. Depende en gran medida de la tabla DDL. Hay dos ejemplos de autogen de ID más utilizados:
-- Be careful with these 3 lines if you already have such objects in the your DB
drop table if exists t1;
drop table if exists t2;
drop sequence if exists seq_t2_id;
-- Using serial type for ID
create table t1 (t1_id serial, t1_name char varying);
insert into t1 (t1_id, t1_name) values (22, 'aaa');
select setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('t1', 't1_id'), (select max(t1_id) from t1)); -- Reset serial value
insert into t1 (t1_name) values ('bbb');
select * from t1;
-- Using sequence to generate IDs
create sequence seq_t2_id;
create table t2(t2_id bigint default nextval('seq_t2_id'), t2_name char varying);
insert into t2(t2_id, t2_name) values (22, 'aaa');
select setval('seq_t2_id', (select max(t2_id) from t2)); -- Update sequence
insert into t2 (t2_name) values ('bbb');
select * from t2;