Terminé usando el el blog de Andre Dunstan y esta SO respuesta que dice formatear el json de una manera específica para usar el comando de copia.
Dado que mi estructura está bastante definida para los archivos que estoy analizando, terminé con el siguiente script.
def file_len(fname):
# to find the number of lines in the file.
# Has been pretty efficient even for millions of records
with open(fname) as f:
for i, l in enumerate(f):
return i + 1
INPUTFILE = '/path/to/input.json'
OUTPUTFILE = '/path/to/output.json.csv'
LEN = file_len(INPUTFILE)
with open(OUTPUTFILE, 'w') as fo:
with open(INPUTFILE, 'r') as fi:
for i, l in enumerate(fi):
# I skip the first line
if i == 0: continue
# To remove the ']}}' from the end
elif i+1 == LEN: _ = fo.write(l[:-3])
# To remove the ',' from the end
# and add \n since write does not add newline on its own
else: _ = fo.write(l[:-2]+'\n')
# load statement
import sqlalchemy
POSTGRESQL = f'postgresql+psycopg2://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{HOSTNAME}/{DB}'
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(POSTGRESQL, echo=True)
con = engine.connect()
trans = con.begin()
LOAD_SQL = f"COPY tablename from '{OUTPUTFILE}' with csv delimiter E'\x01' quote E'\x02' null as '';"
except Exception as e: