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Ordenar comentarios por ruta de hilo y por número de votos totales

Simplemente acumule otra matriz junto a la ruta, que contendrá no solo el id de cada comentario en su ruta, pero el total_votes (como un número negativo) antes de cada id. Después de eso, puede ordenar por esa columna.

WITH RECURSIVE first_comments AS (
   SELECT id, text, level, parent_id, array[id] AS path, total_votes,
          array[-total_votes, id] AS path_and_votes
   FROM comments
   WHERE comments."postId" = 1 AND comments."level" = 0 
  SELECT e.id, e.text, e.level, e.parent_id, (fle.path || e.id), e.total_votes,
         (fle.path_and_votes || -e.total_votes || e.id)
    SELECT id, text, level, parent_id, total_votes FROM comments
    WHERE comments."postId" = 1
  ) e, first_comments fle
  WHERE e.parent_id = fle.id
SELECT id, text, level, total_votes, path from first_comments ORDER BY path_and_votes ASC

SQLFiddle (solo datos, sin el CTE recursivo)