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Cómo replicar declaraciones INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE usando JPA e Hibernate

Tablas de base de datos

Suponiendo que tiene las siguientes dos tablas:

CREATE TABLE old_post (
    id int8 NOT NULL,
    title varchar(255),
    version int4 NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)
    id int8 NOT NULL,
    created_on date, 
    title varchar(255),
    version int4 NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

Entidad JPA

El old_post la tabla debe replicarse con la nueva post . Tenga en cuenta que la post la tabla tiene más columnas ahora que la tabla anterior.

Solo necesitamos mapear la Post entidad:

@Entity(name = "Post")
@Table(name = "post")
public static class Post {

    private Long id;

    private String title;

    @Column(name = "created_on")
    private LocalDate createdOn = LocalDate.now();

    private int version;

    //Getters and setters omitted for brevity

Oyentes de eventos de Hibernate

Ahora, tenemos que registrar 3 detectores de eventos para interceptar las operaciones INSERT, UPDATE y DELETE para el Post entidad.

Podemos hacer esto a través de los siguientes detectores de eventos:

public class ReplicationInsertEventListener 
        implements PostInsertEventListener {
    public static final ReplicationInsertEventListener INSTANCE = 
        new ReplicationInsertEventListener();
    public void onPostInsert(
            PostInsertEvent event) 
            throws HibernateException {
        final Object entity = event.getEntity();
        if(entity instanceof Post) {
            Post post = (Post) entity;
                "INSERT INTO old_post (id, title, version) " +
                "VALUES (:id, :title, :version)")
            .setParameter("id", post.getId())
            .setParameter("title", post.getTitle())
            .setParameter("version", post.getVersion())
    public boolean requiresPostCommitHanding(
            EntityPersister persister) {
        return false;

public class ReplicationUpdateEventListener 
    implements PostUpdateEventListener {

    public static final ReplicationUpdateEventListener INSTANCE = 
        new ReplicationUpdateEventListener();

    public void onPostUpdate(
            PostUpdateEvent event) {
        final Object entity = event.getEntity();

        if(entity instanceof Post) {
            Post post = (Post) entity;

                "UPDATE old_post " +
                "SET title = :title, version = :version " +
                "WHERE id = :id")
            .setParameter("id", post.getId())
            .setParameter("title", post.getTitle())
            .setParameter("version", post.getVersion())

    public boolean requiresPostCommitHanding(
            EntityPersister persister) {
        return false;

public class ReplicationDeleteEventListener 
        implements PreDeleteEventListener {

    public static final ReplicationDeleteEventListener INSTANCE = 
        new ReplicationDeleteEventListener();

    public boolean onPreDelete(
            PreDeleteEvent event) {
        final Object entity = event.getEntity();

        if(entity instanceof Post) {
            Post post = (Post) entity;

                "DELETE FROM old_post " +
                "WHERE id = :id")
            .setParameter("id", post.getId())

        return false;

Los 3 detectores de eventos se pueden registrar usando un Integrator de Hibernate :

public class ReplicationEventListenerIntegrator 
        implements Integrator {

    public static final ReplicationEventListenerIntegrator INSTANCE = 
        new ReplicationEventListenerIntegrator();

    public void integrate(
            Metadata metadata,
            SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
            SessionFactoryServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) {

        final EventListenerRegistry eventListenerRegistry =




    public void disintegrate(
            SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
            SessionFactoryServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) {


Y, para indicar a Hibernate que use este Integrator personalizado , debe configurar el hibernate.integrator_provider propiedad de configuración:

<property name="hibernate.integrator_provider"
          value="com.vladmihalcea.book.hpjp.hibernate.listener.ReplicationEventListenerIntegrator "/>

Tiempo de prueba

Ahora, al persistir una Post entidad:

Post post1 = new Post();
    "The High-Performance Java Persistence book is to be released!"


Hibernate ejecutará las siguientes declaraciones SQL INSERT:

Query:["INSERT INTO old_post (id, title, version) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"], Params:[(1, The High-Performance Java Persistence book is to be released!, 0)]

Query:["insert into post (created_on, title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)"], Params:[(2018-12-12, The High-Performance Java Persistence book is to be released!, 0, 1)]

Al realizar otra transacción que actualiza una Post existente entidad y crea una nueva Post entidad:

Post post1 = entityManager.find(Post.class, 1L);
post1.setTitle(post1.getTitle().replace("to be ", ""));

Post post2 = new Post();
    "The High-Performance Java Persistence book is awesome!"


Hibernate replica todas las acciones al old_post mesa también:

 Query:["select tablerepli0_.id as id1_1_0_, tablerepli0_.created_on as created_2_1_0_, tablerepli0_.title as title3_1_0_, tablerepli0_.version as version4_1_0_ from post tablerepli0_ where tablerepli0_.id=?"], Params:[(1)]

 Query:["INSERT INTO old_post (id, title, version) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"], Params:[(2, The High-Performance Java Persistence book is awesome!, 0)]

 Query:["insert into post (created_on, title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)"], Params:[(2018-12-12, The High-Performance Java Persistence book is awesome!, 0, 2)]

 Query:["update post set created_on=?, title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?"], Params:[(2018-12-12, The High-Performance Java Persistence book is released!, 1, 1, 0)]

 Query:["UPDATE old_post SET title = ?, version = ? WHERE id = ?"], Params:[(The High-Performance Java Persistence book is released!, 1, 1)]

Al eliminar una Post entidad:

Post post1 = entityManager.getReference(Post.class, 1L);

El old_post el registro también se elimina:

Query:["DELETE FROM old_post WHERE id = ?"], Params:[(1)]
Query:["delete from post where id=? and version=?"], Params:[(1, 1)]

Código disponible en GitHub .