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Ordenar resultados de modelos anidados cargados con entusiasmo en Node Sequelize

Creo que puedes hacer:

  include: [{
    model: db.Gallery
    include: [{
      model: db.Artwork
  order: [
    // sort by the 'order' column in Gallery model, in descending order.

    [ db.Gallery, 'order', 'DESC' ], 

    // then sort by the 'order' column in the nested Artwork model in a descending order.
    // you need to specify the nested model's parent first.
    // in this case, the parent model is Gallery, and the nested model is Artwork

    [ db.Gallery, db.ArtWork, 'order', 'DESC' ]

También hay un montón de formas diferentes, o cosas que puede hacer al realizar el pedido. Lea más aquí:https://sequelize.org/master/manual/model-querying-basics.html#ordering-and-grouping