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Encuentra el MAX de SUM en MySQL

Prueba esto:

$test = "SELECT c_id, MAX(Bought) AS MaxBought FROM (SELECT c_id, SUM(n_sell) AS Bought FROM sell GROUP BY c_id) AS tmp HAVING MAX(Bought) = tmp.Bought"; 
$resut = mysql_query($test) or die(mysql_error());
while($t = mysql_fetch_array($resut)){
    echo "Number of sold: ". $t['MaxBought'] ." to". $t['c_id'] .":id of customer";
    echo "<br />";

Aquí está la consulta SQL solo para una comprensión más fácil:

SELECT c_id, MAX(Bought) AS MaxBought
FROM (SELECT c_id, SUM(n_sell) AS Bought
      FROM sell
      GROUP BY c_id) AS tmp
HAVING MAX(Bought) = tmp.Bought