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Cómo pasar múltiples variables a PHP con jQuery

PUBLICAR SOLICITUD DE AJAX usando JS / JQUERY. La siguiente es la sintaxis que uso para todas mis llamadas AJAX.

var first = 'something';
var second = 'second';
var third = $("#some_input_on_your_page").val();

///////// AJAX //////// AJAX //////////
        type: 'POST',
        url:  'page_that_receives_post_variables.php',
        data: {first:first, second:second, third:third},
        success: function( response ){
            alert('yay ajax is done.');
            $('#edit_box').html(response);//this is where you populate your response
        }//close succss params
    });//close ajax
///////// AJAX //////// AJAX //////////

Código para la página PHP page_that_receives_post_variables.php

$first = $_POST['first'];
$second = $_POST['second'];
$third = $_POST['third'];

echo 'now do something with the posted items.';
echo $first; //etc...