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ORACLE actualizando registros con una relación de tabla de 1 a muchos en un disparador

No utilice un disparador para esto. La mayoría de las condiciones que ha codificado en los IF anidados (de su disparador) probablemente se pueden realizar a través de restricciones de clave externa y restricciones de verificación. Además, no necesita almacenar la 'X' para WOMAN_ACT en ningún lugar, ya que es un "valor derivado", es decir, puede obtenerlo o generarlo al consultar sus datos. Tal vez el siguiente ejemplo (basado en sus tablas y datos originales) lo ayude a encontrar una solución. Lea los comentarios en el código.

código DDL

create table person (
  id number primary key
, registration_number varchar2(9) unique
, primary_number varchar2(9)
-- , women_act varchar2(1)   <- not needed!
create table consolidated_numbers (
  secondary_number varchar2(9) references person( registration_number )
, person_id number references person( id )

create table code (
  valid_code varchar2(2) primary key

-- CHECK constraint added to allow only certain TYPE_IDs
create table history_transaction (
  reason varchar2(2) references code( valid_code ) -- valid REASONSs enforced by FK constraint
, person_id number references person( id )
, type_id number check (
    type_id in (
      120, 140, 1420, 1440, 160, 180, 150, 1520, 1540, 1560  -- only allow these type_ids
, action_date date

Datos de prueba

-- INSERT your initial test data
  insert into person (ID,registration_number,primary_number) values(132, '000000001', null);
  insert into person (ID,registration_number,primary_number) values (151, '000000002', '000000001');
  insert into consolidated_numbers (SECONDARY_NUMBER,person_id) values ('000000002', 132);
  insert into code (valid_code) values ('A1');
  insert into code (valid_code) values ('T1');
  insert into code (valid_code) values ('N2');
  insert into history_transaction (reason,person_id,type_id,action_date)
    values ('A1', 132, 1420, DATE '2019-01-01');
  commit ;

La siguiente VISTA seleccionará person_ids de las tablas HISTORY_TRANSACTION, agregará una 'X' a cada una de ellas, y también seleccionará a todas las personas que están "asociadas" con (o:asignadas a) estas identificaciones de CONSOLIDATED_NUMBERS, y también agregará un 'X' a sus identificaciones. (Nota al margen:parece que su tabla PERSON contiene una relación recursiva, por lo que se podría escribir una consulta recursiva. Sin embargo, tendrá una razón para modelar la tabla CONSOLIDATED_NUMBERS, por lo que usaremos un JOIN aquí).


create or replace view personx
with PID as (
  select distinct person_id
  from history_transaction
select person_id, 'X' as woman_act  -- [Q1] all person_ids from history_transaction
from PID
select P.id, 'X' as woman_act       -- [Q2] all person_ids associated with ids from Q1
from person P
  join consolidated_numbers C
    on P.registration_number = C.secondary_number
    and C.person_id in (
      select person_id from PID

-- with your initial test data, we get:
select * from personx ;
|132      |X        |
|151      |X        |

Ahora, eliminemos/agreguemos algunos datos y ejecutemos algunas pruebas (ver también:DBfiddle ):

-- test 1
delete from history_transaction ;
select * from personx ;
-- result: no rows selected -> OK

-- test 2
insert into history_transaction (reason,person_id,type_id,action_date) 
  values ('A1', 132, 1420, DATE '2019-01-01');
select * from personx ;
|132      |X        |
|151      |X        |

-- test 3: add more associations
-- new: person 345 associated with person 132
  insert into person (ID,registration_number,primary_number) values (345, '000000345', '000000001');
  insert into consolidated_numbers (SECONDARY_NUMBER,person_id) values ('000000345', 132);
  commit ;
end ;

select * from personx ;
|132      |X        |
|151      |X        |
|345      |X        |

Otra prueba antes de entrar en más detalles:

-- test 4
-- add more associations 
-- no entry in history_transactions for person(id) 1000        
  insert into person (ID,registration_number,primary_number) values(1000, '000000777', null);
  insert into person (ID,registration_number,primary_number) values (2000, '000000778', '000000777');
  insert into consolidated_numbers (SECONDARY_NUMBER,person_id) values ('000000778', 1000);
  commit ;
end ;

-- output must be the same as before -> result OK
select * from personx ;
|132      |X        |
|151      |X        |
|345      |X        |

ÚNETE la vista a la tabla de personas

-- test 5
-- add an entry from person 1000 into the history_transaction table
insert into history_transaction (reason,person_id,type_id,action_date) 
    values ('N2', 1000, 1420, sysdate);  

select * from personx ;
|132      |X        |
|151      |X        |
|345      |X        |
|1000     |X        |
|2000     |X        |

-- test 5: show more details
select P.id, P.registration_number, P.primary_number, PX.woman_act
from personx PX right join person P on PX.person_id = P.id ;

|132 |000000001          |NULL          |X        |
|151 |000000002          |000000001     |X        |
|345 |000000345          |000000001     |X        |
|1000|000000777          |NULL          |X        |
|2000|000000778          |000000777     |X        |

La combinación externa es necesaria para PERSON_ID que no tienen filas correspondientes en la tabla HISTORY_TRANSACTION, por ejemplo,

-- test 6
-- add more associations
-- no entry in history_transactions for person(id) 10000!
  insert into person (ID,registration_number,primary_number) values(10000, '000007777', null);
  insert into person (ID,registration_number,primary_number) values (20000, '000007778', '000007777');
  insert into consolidated_numbers (SECONDARY_NUMBER,person_id) values ('000007778', 10000);
  commit ;
end ;

-- after TEST 6 data have been inserted:
select P.id, P.registration_number, P.primary_number, PX.woman_act
from personx PX right join person P on PX.person_id = P.id ;

|132  |000000001          |NULL          |X        |
|151  |000000002          |000000001     |X        |
|345  |000000345          |000000001     |X        |
|1000 |000000777          |NULL          |X        |
|2000 |000000778          |000000777     |X        |
|20000|000007778          |000007777     |NULL     |
|10000|000007777          |NULL          |NULL     |


Si, como se indica en su comentario, debe almacenar un valor en la columna WOMAN_ACT (aunque aparentemente es un "valor derivado"), podría escribir un paquete que contenga procedimientos para todas las operaciones DML requeridas, aún sin usar un activador. Sin embargo, sin conocer la historia completa, es difícil decidir si este sería el mejor camino a seguir. El siguiente ejemplo utiliza un pequeño paquete que contiene procedimientos para establecer valores WOMAN_ACT de la tabla PERSONA y un activador que se activa después de INSERTAR/ACTUALIZAR (tabla:HISTORIAL_TRANSACCIONES). DBfiddle aquí .


create table person (
  id number primary key
, registration_number varchar2(9) unique
, primary_number varchar2(9)
, woman_act varchar2(1) check ( woman_act in ( null, 'X' ) )
-- all other tables: same as before


create or replace package pxpkg
  -- find out whether a certain id (table: PERSON) is a "parent" or a "child"
  function isparent( id_ number ) return boolean ;
  -- set 'X' values: id_ is a "parent"
  procedure setx_parentchildren( id_ number ) ;
  -- set 'X' values: id_ is a "child" 
  procedure setx_childsiblings( id_ number ) ;
end pxpkg ;


create or replace package body pxpkg
  function isparent( id_ number )
  return boolean
    secondarynumbers pls_integer := 0 ;
    select count(*) into secondarynumbers
    from consolidated_numbers
    where person_id = id_ ;
    if secondarynumbers = 0 then
      return false ;
      return true ;
    end if ;
  end isparent ;
  procedure setx_parentchildren ( id_ number )
    update person
    set woman_act = 'X'
    where id in ( 
      select id from person where id = id_ -- parent id
      select id from person 
      where primary_number = ( 
        select registration_number from person where id = id_ -- parent id
    ) ;
  end setx_parentchildren ;
  procedure setx_childsiblings ( id_ number )
    update person
    set woman_act = 'X'
    where id in ( 
      with PID as (
        select id, primary_number from person
        where id = id_                    -- current id
          and primary_number is not null  -- child ids only
      select id from PID
      select id 
      from person 
      where registration_number in ( select primary_number from PID )
         or primary_number in ( select primary_number from PID )
    ) ;
  end setx_childsiblings ;
end pxpkg ;


create or replace trigger pxtrigger
after insert or update on history_transaction
for each row
  if pxpkg.isparent( :new.person_id ) then
    pxpkg.setx_parentchildren( :new.person_id )  ;
    pxpkg.setx_childsiblings( :new.person_id )  ;
  end if ;
end pxtrigger ;

PRUEBA:consulte DBfiddle