Debe considerar los índices que también pueden invalidarse; para cubrir su pregunta sobre cómo restablecer los espacios de tablas predeterminados además de esto, creo que este es el proceso completo que querrá implementar:
1) Mover particiones (un bucle PL/SQL según la respuesta de zürigschnäzlets)
Estos son procedimientos que uso dentro de un contenedor de bloque anónimo que define a_tname, a_destTS, vTname y vTspName; deberían darle una idea general:
procedure mvTabPart (a_tname in varchar2, a_destTS in varchar2) is
cursor pCur(vTname varchar2, vTspName varchar2) is
select table_name, partition_name
from user_tab_partitions
where table_name = vTname
and tablespace_name not like vTspName
order by partition_position desc;
for pRow in pCur(a_tname, a_destTS) loop
sqlStmnt := 'alter table '||pRow.table_name||
' move partition '||pRow.partition_name||
' tablespace '||a_destTS;
execute immediate sqlStmnt;
end loop;
end mvTabPart;
2) Establezca el tablespace de partición predeterminado de la tabla para que se creen nuevas particiones allí:
procedure setDefTabPart (a_tname in varchar2, a_destTS in varchar2) is
cursor tCur(vTname varchar2) is
select table_name
from user_part_tables
where table_name = vTname;
for tRow in tCur(a_tname) loop
sqlStmnt := 'alter table '||tRow.table_name||
' modify default attributes '||
' tablespace '||a_destTS;
execute immediate sqlStmnt;
end loop;
end setDefNdxPart;
3) Establezca el tablespace de partición predeterminado de índice para que se creen nuevas particiones de índice (si las hay) donde las desee:
procedure setDefNdxPart (a_tname in varchar2, a_destTS in varchar2) is
cursor iCur(vTname varchar2) is
select index_name
from user_part_indexes
where index_name in (select index_name
from user_indexes where table_name = vTname);
for iRow in iCur(a_tname) loop
sqlStmnt := 'alter index '||iRow.index_name||
' modify default attributes '||
' tablespace '||a_destTS;
execute immediate sqlStmnt;
end loop;
end setDefNdxPart;
4) reconstruir los índices particionados que necesitan reconstrucción y no están en el tablespace deseado:
procedure mvNdxPart (a_tname in varchar2, a_destTS in varchar2) is
cursor ndxCur(vTname varchar2, vTspName varchar2) is
select i.index_name index_name, ip.partition_name partition_name
from user_ind_partitions ip, user_indexes i
where i.index_name = ip.index_name
and i.table_name = vTname
and i.partitioned = 'YES'
and (ip.tablespace_name not like vTspName or ip.status not like 'USABLE')
order by index_name, partition_name ;
for ndxRow in ndxCur(a_tname, a_destTS) loop
sqlStmnt := 'alter index '||ndxRow.index_name||
' rebuild partition '||ndxRow.partition_name||
' tablespace '||a_destTS;
execute immediate sqlStmnt ;
end loop;
end mvNdxPart;
5) Reconstruir cualquier índice global
procedure mvNdx (a_tname in varchar2, a_destTS in varchar2) is
cursor ndxCur(vTname varchar2, vTspName varchar2) is
select index_name
from user_indexes
where table_name = vTname
and partitioned = 'NO'
and (tablespace_name not like vTspName or status like 'UNUSABLE')
order by index_name ;
for ndxRow in ndxCur(a_tname, a_destTS) loop
sqlStmnt := 'alter index '||ndxRow.index_name||
' rebuild tablespace '||a_destTS;
execute immediate sqlStmnt ;
end loop;
end mvNdx;