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SQL Server:pivote con nombres de columna personalizados

Hay algunas maneras en que puedes hacer esto.

Si tuviera un número conocido de preguntas/respuestas, podría usar row_number() junto con una función agregada y una expresión CASE:

select id,
  max(case when rn = 1 then question end) question1,
  max(case when rn = 1 then answer end) answer1,
  max(case when rn = 2 then question end) question2,
  max(case when rn = 2 then answer end) answer2,
  max(case when rn = 3 then question end) question3,
  max(case when rn = 3 then answer end) answer3
  select id, question, answer,
    row_number() over(partition by id order by id, question) rn
  from yt
) src
group by id;

Consulte SQL Fiddle con demostración

Otra sugerencia sería usar las funciones UNPIVOT y PIVOT para obtener el resultado. El UNPIVOT tomará su question y answer columnas y convertirlas en varias filas.

La sintaxis básica para UNPIVOT será:

select id,
  col+cast(rn as varchar(10)) col,
  -- when you perform an unpivot the datatypes have to be the same. 
  -- you might have to cast the datatypes in this query
  select id, question, cast(answer as varchar(500)) answer,
    row_number() over(partition by id order by id, question) rn
  from yt
) src
  for col in (question, answer)
) unpiv;

Ver Demostración . Esto da un resultado:

|      ID |       COL |                                VALUE |
| 4482515 | question1 | I would like to be informed by mail. |
| 4482515 |   answer1 |                                   No |
| 4482515 | question2 |                    Plan to Purchase? |
| 4482515 |   answer2 |                       Over 12 months |
| 4482515 | question3 |                   Test Question Text |
| 4482515 |   answer3 |                          some Answer |

Como puede ver, agregué un row_number() valor a la subconsulta inicial para que pueda asociar cada respuesta a la pregunta. Una vez que esto se haya descentrado, puede girar el resultado en los nuevos nombres de columna con la question /answer con el valor del número de fila concatenado. El código con la sintaxis PIVOT será:

select id, question1, answer1, question2, answer2,
  question3, answer3
  select id,
    col+cast(rn as varchar(10)) col,
  -- when you perform an unpivot the datatypes have to be the same. 
  -- you might have to cast the datatypes in this query
    select id, question, cast(answer as varchar(500)) answer,
      row_number() over(partition by id order by id, question) rn
    from yt
  ) src
    for col in (question, answer)
  ) unpiv
) d
  for col in (question1, answer1, question2, answer2,
              question3, answer3)
) piv;

Consulte SQL Fiddle con demostración . Ahora en su situación, indicó que tendrá un número dinámico de preguntas/respuestas. Si ese es el caso, necesitará usar SQL dinámico para obtener el resultado:

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(c.col+cast(rn as varchar(10))) 
                      select row_number() over(partition by id 
                                               order by id, question) rn
                      from yt
                    ) d
                    cross apply
                      select 'question' col, 1 sort union all select 'answer', 2
                    ) c
                    group by col, rn, sort
                    order by rn, sort
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query = 'SELECT id, ' + @cols + '
                select id,
                  col+cast(rn as varchar(10)) col,
                 -- when you perform an unpivot the datatypes have to be the same. 
                 -- you might have to cast the datatypes in this query
                  select id, question, cast(answer as varchar(500)) answer,
                    row_number() over(partition by id order by id, question) rn
                  from yt
                ) src
                  for col in (question, answer)
                ) unpiv
              ) d
                  for col in (' + @cols + ')
              ) p '


Consulte SQL Fiddle con demostración . Estos dan un resultado:

|      ID |                            QUESTION1 | ANSWER1 |         QUESTION2 |        ANSWER2 |          QUESTION3 |     ANSWER3 |
| 4482515 | I would like to be informed by mail. |      No | Plan to Purchase? | Over 12 months | Test Question Text | some Answer |