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Búsqueda aproximada de SQL Server con porcentaje de coincidencia

Lo mejor que he podido hacer es simplificar parte de la consulta y cambiarla a una función con valores de tabla. Las funciones escalares tienen un rendimiento notoriamente bajo, y el beneficio de un TVF en línea es que la definición de la consulta se expande a la consulta principal, como una vista.

Esto reduce significativamente el tiempo de ejecución en las pruebas que he realizado.

ALTER FUNCTION dbo.FuzySearchTVF (@Reference VARCHAR(200), @Target VARCHAR(200))
(   WITH N (n) AS 
                                    THEN DATALENGTH(@Reference) 
                                ELSE DATALENGTH(@Target) 
                            END, 0))    
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY n1.n)
        FROM    (VALUES (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1)) AS N1 (n)
        CROSS JOIN (VALUES (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1)) AS N2 (n)
        CROSS JOIN (VALUES (1), (1)) AS N3 (n)
        WHERE   @Reference IS NOT NULL AND @Target IS NOT NULL
    ), Src AS
    (   SELECT  Reference = CASE WHEN DATALENGTH(@Reference) > DATALENGTH(@Target) THEN @Reference
                                ELSE @Reference + REPLICATE('_', DATALENGTH(@Target) - DATALENGTH(@Reference))
                Target = CASE WHEN DATALENGTH(@Target) > DATALENGTH(@Reference) THEN @Target
                                ELSE @Target + REPLICATE('_', DATALENGTH(@Target) - DATALENGTH(@Reference))
                WordLength = CASE WHEN DATALENGTH(@Reference) > DATALENGTH(@Target) THEN DATALENGTH(@Reference) ELSE DATALENGTH(@Target) END
        WHERE   @Reference IS NOT NULL 
        AND     @Target IS NOT NULL
        AND     @Reference != @Target
    ), Scores AS
    (   SELECT  seq = t1.n ,
                Letter = SUBSTRING(s.Reference, t1.n, 1),
                s.WordLength ,
                LetterScore = s.WordLength - ISNULL(MIN(ABS(t1.n - t2.n)), s.WordLength)
        FROM    Src AS s
                CROSS JOIN N AS t1
                INNER JOIN N AS t2
                    ON SUBSTRING(@Target, t2.n, 1) = SUBSTRING(s.Reference, t1.n, 1)
        WHERE   @Reference IS NOT NULL 
        AND     @Target IS NOT NULL
        AND     @Reference != @Target
        GROUP BY t1.n, SUBSTRING(s.Reference, t1.n, 1), s.WordLength
    SELECT  [Score] = 100 
    WHERE   @Reference = @Target
    SELECT  0
    WHERE   @Reference IS NULL OR @Target IS NULL
    SELECT  CAST(SUM(LetterScore) * 100.0 / MAX(WordLength * WordLength) AS NUMERIC(5, 2))
    FROM    Scores
    WHERE   @Reference IS NOT NULL 
    AND     @Target IS NOT NULL
    AND     @Reference != @Target
    GROUP BY WordLength

Y esto se llamaría como:

SELECT  f.Score
FROM    dbo.Customer AS c
        CROSS APPLY [dbo].[FuzySearch]('First Name Middle Name Last Name', c.FirstName) AS f

Sin embargo, sigue siendo una función bastante compleja y, dependiendo de la cantidad de registros en la tabla de clientes, creo que reducirla a 1 segundo será un desafío.